Instant access available for my most popular workshops!

3 hour Virtual Workshop for Spirit Guide Connection!


You'll learn:

💗 Emily's spirit guide story- from corporate employee to spirit guide channel

💗 Who’s on your Spirit Team… we’ll chat in depth about all of the different types of guides

💗 How to work with your Guides… everything that you need to know in order to start working with them right away

💗 Discernment and psychic protection and making sure that you’re working with the right Guides who have your highest interests in mind

💗 Troubleshooting your connection with spirit guides if messages haven’t been coming through clearly

💗 Sacred Spirit Guide Meditation to clear any third eye blocks and connect you with your Spirit Guides right away

💗 Tips, tricks, and practices that you can use to connect with your guides on a daily basis

Buy now for $44

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3 hour Workshop to learn how to build your spiritual business from scratch!


You'll learn:

⚡ Emily's spiritual business story

⚡ Business energetics and how to leverage your energy to both manifest and take action on building your business

⚡ Tactical business tips and tricks of how to get started as a spiritual entrepreneur

⚡ Social media and building a virtual audience of soul family all over the world

⚡ Creating your first spiritual business offerings that are authentic and unique to you and your soul gifts

⚡ Practical action steps for starting your business

AND a spiritual business future timeline meditation to help you align to the highest vibration of your spiritual business.

Buy now for $55

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2 hour Witch Wound Workshop!


You'll learn:

🧙‍♀️ Emily's Witch Wound Story- how she healed her Witch Wound and changed her life

🧙‍♀️ What the Witch Wound is and how pervasive it is in our society

🧙‍♀️ Historical context and background to help you understand the Witch Wound

🧙‍♀️ How the Witch Wound shows up in your life (signs and symptoms to look out for)

🧙‍♀️ Why healing your Witch Wound is so important and what it will shift in your life

🧙‍♀️ Tangible practices for healing your Witch Wound 

AND a Witch Wound Healing meditation to help you understand your Witch Wound, tap into a past lifetime, clear the energy, and find healing.

Buy now for $44 

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2 Hour Entity Release Workshop + Recorded Clearing!

👻 My entity release story and how clearing entities changed my life

👻 A detailed description of entities and a breakdown of all of the different types of entities

👻 Where entities come from, why they attach, and how they attach

👻 Signs and symptoms of entity attachment

👻 Common misconceptions about entities 

👻 How to protect yourself and discernment tips and tricks 

AND an entity release meditation experience to help you clear them!

Please note- Emily can't guarantee that this will solve your entity problem for good, but this will help educate you on how entities are affecting you

Buy now for $44

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2 Hour Starseed Workshop!


During this 2 hour workshop, we’ll cover:

🪐 a brief galactic history of the soul

🪐 characteristics of a starseed, your mission and purpose, why you’re here, lessons you’re learning, and your starseed gifts

🪐 an overview of the different cosmic and galactic groups, their galactic history, characteristics, lessons, and gifts

🪐 how to navigate life as a starseed

🪐 how to take care of your body as a starseed

🪐 how to meet your galactic guides

AND a cosmic meditation experience to connect with your galactic guides!

Buy Now for $44

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