Welcome all Mystics, Starseeds, Lightworkers, Shadowworkers, Intuitives, and Empaths!


You've discovered a sacred community created to help you: discover more about who you are at a soul level, uplevel your frequency + vibration, cultivate divine friendships, carve out space and time for self care, hone your intuitive gifts, and call in your manifestations!

We'll be meeting 2x a month and you'll be getting access to some of my exclusive tools to help you do just that!

Join Now!


Meet Your Membership Host...


Emily the Mystic

Emily Logan Lewis, aka Emily The Mystic, is an Intuitive Mentor, Spiritual Teacher and Akashic Records Master Consultant. She’s on a mission to soften shadow work and help “old souls” heal, as well as reclaim their intuitive gifts, manifest their dreams, and experience the most joyful life while doing it. Emily is an expert in mediumship, past life regressions, meditation, the Akashic Records, tarot, hypnotherapy, quantum healing, and other spiritual practices. She is living proof that you can change your life in a split second and is known for making the most aligned, purposeful, freedom-filled life possible.

Connect with Emily on Instagram & YouTube: @emilythemystic


Your Next Workshops...


When: July 23, 2024 at 5pm EDT

Where: Live on Zoom

Come celebrate the 1 year birthday of this Membership with me! Join us live for...
✨ live channeling
✨ mini readings
✨ card pulls
✨ fun + spiritual connection + community
Join Now!

When: August 8, 2024 at 5pm EDT

Where: Live on Zoom

Join me to celebrate the Lion's Gate Portal, for a live manifestation group ritual, live channeling, card pulls, collective energy updates, and so much more.
Join Now!

And guess what...


This Membership is one of my favorite ways for you to work with me! You get access to the same tools I give my private high level clients which are designed to help you: cultivate more self-love, align you to more abundance, clear limiting beliefs + subconscious blocks, discover your past lives, shift your vibration, access your limitless manifestation powers, increase your confidence in your intuition, and sooo much more


Most of all.... it's a lot of FUN! Imagine having sacred self care time + community time scheduled on your calendar every month... 😍

In the Membership, you'll get exclusive access to Emily the Mystic content including...

🌟 Access to Monthly Mystic Membership Call and all past call recordings (includes: collective card pull + mini reading, Q&A, meditation, energy clearings, community, fun) ($100 value)

🌟 Access to Emily the Mystic Workshop of the Month and all past call recordings (includes: Spiritual Business Starter Kit Workshop, Spirit Guide Workshop, Witch Wound Workshop, and more to come) ($200 value)

🌟 Access to Meditation Library with 22+ guided visualization meditations ($100 value)

🌟 Access to Virtual Online Community (for all of your endless spiritual Q&A + new friendship opportunities!)

Join Now!

 Membership Recordings from 2024

All past Membership Call Recordings are uploaded to the membership portal! You get access to all upcoming + past call recordings as long as you stay a member! 

Guest Expert Workshops (Recorded)-

🤍 Gene Keys for Thriving in Love and Relationships w/ Ellisa 

🤍 Human Design Abundance Blocks w/ Anna 

🤍 Manifesting Abundance with Crystals w/ Emily S.

🤍 Business Alchemy w/ Emily P. 

🤍 Beyond the Veil Paranormal Investigations w/ Ariel

🤍 Mediumship + Dream Work w/ Erica

🤍 Galactic Astrology w/ Cassandra

Future Membership Calls-

Get access to all upcoming live Membership Calls with ME, Emily the Mystic!

🌙 July 23, 2024 - Membership Birthday Celebration + Mini Readings

🌙 August 8, 2024 - 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal Celebration

🌙 September 17, 2024 - September Membership Call

🌙 October 10, 2024 - 10/10 Membership Call

🌙 November 11, 2024 - 11/11 Membership Call

🌙 December 12, 2024 - 12/12 Membership Call

The schedule for Membership Calls and Workshops may potentially change! All members are added to Google calendar invites for all events.


Past Workshop Recordings...

AND you get access to all recordings from my past workshops and membership calls! There are hundreds of hours of content for you to binge when you join!

Workshop Recordings Include...

✨ Spirit Guide Workshop

💛 Spiritual Business Starter Kit

🌙 Witch Wound Workshop

✨ Entity Clearing Workshop + Recorded Clearing

💛 Starseed Workshop

🌙 Winter Solstice Workshop

✨ Divine Darkness Masterclass BONUS

💛 Lucky Girl Syndrome Masterclass BONUS

For just $44 a month, you get access to all exclusive virtual membership content AND you can cancel at anytime!


Please note: there are no commitments for this virtual membership; however, there are also no refunds. Please keep this in mind before joining!

Join Now!