Your Light Language is Ready to Come through...


The next cohort begins in September 2024...

Your Light Language is as unique to you as your fingerprint. Your Light Language is unlike anyone else's on this planet. Light Language is your own cosmic portal to embodying higher dimensional consciousness and higher wisdom that is ready to channel through you... and help you become a manifestation magnet.

I've been guided to help you discover just what your own unique Light Language is and how to work with it in your own life. By learning to channel your Light Language, you're going to clear your channel SO quickly, raise your vibration, and bridge the gap between heaven and earth in your own life.

And so... I created this incredible group course + mentorship to help you learn how to channel, integrate, and embody yours.

I'm Ready!

Channeling my Light Language Has Helped Me...

✨ Become a manifestation magnet

✨ Cultivate a loving and nourishing relationship with my body

✨ Clear my channel and become even better at my craft as an intuitive and an Akashic Records Practitioner

✨ Increase my discernment and deepen my connection with my spirit guide team, especially my cosmic and galactic guides

✨ Fully trust and surrender to the Universe, knowing that I am supported every single step of the way

✨ Help my clients heal in a deeper and more powerful way, receiving incredible results from healing sessions with me

Who this is for...

✨ Spiritual souls who have some experience working with their intuitive, psychic, channeling, meditation, or mediumship gifts (this is NOT a beginner intuitive course... please check out my Intuition Activation Academy for that!)

✨ Intuitives who are yearning for "what's next" on their journey... perhaps you've been trained in other modalities and are ready for something new or have been curious about Light Language for awhile and are ready to work with yours!

✨ Practitioners and spiritual leaders who are ready to take their own gifts and their client sessions to the next level (however, it is NOT required to have a business to join this course!)

The Sacred Template….

The next cohort begins in September 2024!

We will be meeting weekly for 6 weeks on Zoom and will pick a day and weekly meeting time that works best for the group.

Week 1 -  Introduction + Clearing Your Channel

Week 2 - Grounding into Your Body

Week 3 - Opening Your Channel

Week 4 - Activating + Expanding Your Channel

Week 5 - Leaning into Your Channel

Week 6 - Integrating Your Light Language

What You Will Create…

đź’« a deep knowing of who you are at a soul level and an understanding of your unique, authentic, soul gifts

💫 a deep connection to your Higher Self, your spirit team, your galactic guides, and your channeling gifts

đź’« ability to channel Light Language in a method and manner unique to you and your soul (whether that be through sound, tone, body movements, written work, art, etc. the possibilities are endless)

💫 a clear channel and a raised vibrational frequency, becoming a magnet for your desires

đź’« ability to channel Light Language with intention for specific purposes (i.e. healing, manifestation, energy clearing, etc.)

đź’« a deep sense of trust and surrender in your body as a cosmic channel for the divine

What you receive…

✨ 6 Week Virtual Group Course + Mentorship

✨ Channeled Light Language Activations from Emily, not available anywhere else

✨ Group Voxer chat for navigating this unique modality with the support and reassurance of others

Join the Waitlist!

The mentorship will re-open for enrollment in late July of 2024.

Client Testimonials

 Carla M. 🌟

Thank you so much, Emily, for creating the Light Language mentorship. When I first heard about it, I had no idea what Light Language was but something attracted me to it. I had this deep knowing that I wanted to be part of it. And I’m so glad I made the leap and joined. Each week was magical and transformational. Emily has incredible gifts that she used to make me seen and receive messages I just freakin' needed, so I could be more myself. I’ve changed so much during the 6 weeks. I had no idea how to channel before and now I do. I had no idea I had a Light Language within me and now I do. This mentorship was the catalyst to my growth. Thank you, Emily. I’ll be forever grateful for you 🙏🏼.

 Lia D. 💛

As soon as I saw the Light Language Mentorship, I knew I wanted to sign up even though I didn't even fully know what Light Language was. I am so glad I did! The mentorship was like an initiation into a whole new level of spirituality for me. It was such a warm and cozy container and I absolutely loved the weekly calls and looked forward to them so much. They were one of the highlights of my week. The whole mentorship just felt like a warm hug and the messages Emily channeled felt so comforting. My spiritual gifts have been unlocked more and more since starting the program and I am feeling much more confident in trusting my intuition. It's been incredible and so fun to experience my Light Language coming online! I also feel lighter in general and like I am having more fun with work, life, spirituality, etc. and just taking things a little less seriously. I've even been putting on music and dancing around my home, which is very new for me! I cannot recommend this enough and I would do it again in a heartbeat!

 Katie S. 🌙

The Light Language mentorship was an amazing investment in myself. I didn’t know anything about Light Language before signing up but I felt such a strong call to join, that I knew it was meant for me. Emily is a thoughtful, passionate, and gifted teacher. Each week’s course was impactful and built upon the week before. The other women in the group make the course so special and it was amazing to see how similar our journeys were. I am very grateful that I was a part of Emily’s first Light Language group and I look forward to continuing to work with her in the future.

I can't wait for you to discover your Light Language 💫